
Friday, December 21, 2012

tired and thanks

Today, this very day I felt the word “exhausted”. Literally, I am tired, not only on the physical but also in the psychological aspect. Well, I’m not that geek or brainiac nor did I have some psychological disorder. It’s just I feel tired, tired of doing the same things all over again. And what’s more tiresome? It has never been better. I have never been better. Physically, I feel feeble, “low-batt” as they termed it. I got home from school of so much brain-freezing exams, traveled for hours with changing climate from place to place and mingled with different people whom majority is anonymous. I got home. No one was at home. See? I went to see my friends. None of them replied to my messages. None of them was available. And it seems like a really tiresome day. No one to talk to but God. Oh right. What’s more wearing me out is the thoughts and worries I have in my mind now. I don’t even know how to fit my twenty four hours tomorrow having enough sleep and time for myself , family and friends with these things bothering my mind. And so what are those? Morning. I’ll wash my clothes--simple and regular. Morning. Practice for an intermission number for a Christmas party on Sunday. Morning. Designing and decorating parts of the unfinished business in our church. Morning. Meeting my so much missed best friend whom I talked to (seriously and intimately) almost a year ago. Lunch time? Afternoon. Hours of walking and talking and laughing and mingling with other unreached youth in our town—sharing the Good News. Afternoon, practice of my beloved network—Worship Arts Net commonly called Music Ministry. Afternoon till evening. Practice. Teaching. Practice. After the practice, unhopefully, decorating till midnight. Dinner? Well,  I must prefer a sleep. Prayer? A big YES! Alone now, I am somewhat like talking to myself and  talking to God. I’m somewhat like a crazy person here while blogging my thoughts. And God did have a word for me. while browsing some photos of a Facebook page. It struck me. 

It’s like God was answering me not to be tired in serving in His ministry for He is the one to sustain me. And it’s a promise, a promise from a faithful God. Though things were sometimes not working out the way I want it to be, well all things work together for good… even the best for those who love Him and wait for Him. It came to my thinking that I may be busy and tired these days because I chose to. And I feel tired because I don’t recognize other’s help and God’s too. And that promise above? I will keep it and trust Him for I know He is the best. Recognizing Him as the one I serve and the one I’m working for helped me view the things I’ve said earlier a chance, an opportunity that truly comes only once in this life. Knowing Him as my Master makes me feel grateful. So thank You God ^_^

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