
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Some days.

Someday I will travel.
Go to a place where I can be lost.
Hide in the vast of big trees,
Or sleep hearing the lullabies of the sea
Then watch the sky as the sunlight burst.

I wanna be drenched in the summer rain
Or get cold while playing with Mr. Snow.
Then, I will be dried, warmed...gazing on a fireplace.

I wanna drive and see visibly the roads to the horizon or the mountain with the sun at its back or the trees aligned by my side...with the withered leaves floating, flying as the wind whispers.

I wann be at the peak of a high mountain, look down, trace my way up.
Then look quite upward and feel the clouds.
I wanna be deep down the oceans to witness if corals dance and if fishes ever sleep.

Then I will go for a free fall activity, I will keep my eyes open as I fall. I will kiss the air and shout without voice.

I wanna spread my arms wide open as I lie on the fine white sand one night.
Then I will connect all the starry dots my eyes can reach.
I will form the first letter of my name, I will draw hearts and some polygons.
I will form a smile.
I will create a house.
A home.

Someday I will travel.
Someday I will be home.