
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Priority and Love

This was one of my wall post days ago. I’ve read this in a FB page entitled “Solely Devoted”. I was truly blessed with this excerpt.

How many times did we ask God in this area? How many times did we ask God to fill us with His love—a love that will overflow to the others who thirst for it? How many times did we consult God in the choices we make? “A sheer delight rather than a sense of duty...” What a phrase! Admit it or not, often we do things unconsciously. It’s either we’re used into those routines or we’re just doing things out of duty. Well, being responsible is not bad. But without love, nothing makes sense.

As Mother Theresa said, ...we can do small things with great love.A small thing with great love is indeed a great thing. But how can we accomplish this “just-loving” thing? Start with God. In parallel to what the image above says, try and persevere to make your relationship with God your top priority. God is a loving God, merciful, kind and gracious. He will never ever forsake those who come to Him humbly and heartily. I don’t know if article makes sense to you who read it. But there’s no harm in trying. Swear.

Seems like confused? A friend shared to me a while ago thru a facebook chat, that she’s afraid she might fall...that she some friends’ help in this area. She’s afraid because she’s not sure. She’s been in a fantasy of falling brightly in love and a nightmare of falling with no one to catch her. But then there’s JESUS. The one who’s always waiting for her, to fill her with satisfying love, to cradle her in her arms, to hold her without ever letting her go...FOREVER.

I was glad to share these things to her. I even message her verse Song of Songs 8:4a. Probably, you already knew that. Do not awaken love until its ready. When will be the it-word be ready? Only God knows. So better get close to Him so that when He says IT is ready, we can hear so clearly. Discern God’s voice.

As I write about this thing, numerous thoughts flood my mind. Am I talking to myself too? Am I reminding myself too? Or does my girl friend who asked me a while ago of what to do in her falling-in-love thing warns me then? Talking about the heart, I remembered Proverbs 4:23 and Jeremiah 17:9. Guard your heart. Above all things, it is the most deceitful.

Let me clear this stuff. This isn’t about gals only but also for guys out there. You too have hearts, right? I don’t know how guys guard their hearts nor how they regard God’s love. But if it’s Jesus working and reigning in their lives—focusing on His faithfulness, contemplating on His beauty and holding on His promise—it’s not hard for them to live in this tempting world. Talking about love and relationship, why not be pure emotionally too? I’ve read this book written by Heather Arnel Paulsen which inspires so much. It talks about well, the title itself—Emotional Purity. It’s about preserving all of your being for God and for the one He has prepared for you. Well beside Jesus, I fell in love with the man on this post, guess other girls would, too:

(actually, it must be “says”)

Thank God for who HE is! Thank Jesus who gave His life for me, for you, for us. He loves me so much that He doesn’t want me to get hurt. Because when I am hurting, He’s hurting too. That’s how much He loves me. And so the same thing goes with you. Why not be content with that for now? I believe that God is the one who will make my heart; our hearts feel like there’s something missing though we want more of Him. When that happens, then that is the time.

More over these things, there are so many things out there. More than our longings and dreams of being with the one, there are those people who need to be reached out. They also need love and with the love that God had in us, we can love too, unconditionally. We can pray too heartily. Selfless. We have to be selfless and think of others too. To those who are losing their hope, their faith, maybe God is commanding us to first bring love into these persons. He wants us to be molded first in a selfless love. And with Christ, we can do all things. Live. Love. Laugh.

A sheer delight rather than a sense of duty... With a mix of love, things become new... With a paint of love, things become great.

Love of God. Love is overflowing. Love of others. Loving is never tiring.

God made the world for the delight of human beings-- if we could see His goodness everywhere, His concern for us, His awareness of our needs: the phone call we've waited for, the ride we are offered, the letter in the mail, just the little things He does for us throughout the day. As we remember and notice His love for us, we just begin to fall in love with Him because He is so busy with us -- you just can't resist Him. I believe there's no such thing as luck in life, it's God's love, it's His.”  Mother Teresa

Monday, November 11, 2013

Back Off

She realized that she’s being back in the cycle. And she need, not tomorrow but now, to BACK OFF.

It’s a cycle. It’s a cycle that she left behind, a circle that she should have left behind, a loop that she MUST now left behind. BACK OFF.

What do she mean being back? Well as she weighs her recent everydays, it’s a lie not to admit that she’s not happy—happiness either from some words and smiley on a phone screen or an inevitably charming jest coming from him. It may be too a happiness from some of his words of upliftment or the knowledge of being similar to each other in many aspect. Temporary happiness she must say.

Probably, it’s her fault. Instead of walking away from the cycle behind her, she unconsciously, found herself in it wherein the same and same stuffs happen. She doesn’t like to play around and she doesn’t like being played around. She doesn’t want to invest anything to anyone. Well not because she doesn’t get anything in return. She just doesn’t want to cause pain to anyone. Different kind of thoughts and emotions flooded her of what and where and when and why and how. Gibberish.

Back off. Back off. Back off. It keeps echoing in her head. And probably she must start her step away before falling completely into the emptiness or the gap between them…before some bond breaks…before the other self will never be the same again.

Too deep. Too shallow. Too wide. Too narrow. Nonsense.

To begin this plans in hear mind, she must initiate herself not to enjoy being in the cycle. In this cycle she felt loved yet a wrecker. In this cycle she felt judged, well judged mostly by herself. She felt as if like she’s causing some unintentional pain to persons who are really a family to her. She felt criticized by the people around her, though she’s not certain. All of these were in her midst.

Today, she wanted to re-align herself—change her focus, change her perspective. She’ll make it up to her true blood, by fixing some broken things or strengthening the bond. She’ll focus on her other family—children, youth and some girlfriends. She gotta establish her plans for her career too. Starting from this day, she’ll gonna take pleasure in the love bestowed on her from above which is never ending, never failing, always caring. Then wait for the moment the love-abounding Heaven give her heart some deficiency that only a creation ordained by Heaven can fill.

Today, she started to back off...

Please, back off.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Just a Glimpse

Today, I just experienced the grace of God. Well, I probably always experience it but never acknowledge it. And now, right at this moment I’m typing this, I just wanna shout! It feels something like an explosion, revolution—anything similar—is within me: ALL FOR GOD’S GLORY!

It’s still dark. I’m in a small room, door closed. I woke up. It’s nearly four thirty in the morning as I checked my phone. Very normal, very usual—I thank God for having breath, I just utter praises to my Heavenly Father. But what’s unexpected is a glimpse of Him. Deep in my heart, I want to see a glimpse of Him, a glimpse of His glory. I don’t know! Maybe it’s the book I’m reading for the past days that influences me in this longing or maybe—well I hope—it’s God, dealing with me.

Like Isaiah, the prophet of God in the Old Testament times, I feel unworthy before God. I had a thought of something close to this:

“Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.”

And yet I sense God’s embrace. It’s still His grace. It doesn't have to do with my approach to Him, or my works for Him. It’s Him, His unending love, His incomparable faithfulness.
As I read words on Psalm 115:1, thinking it over and over and over. His spirit enabled me to realize things. This single verse penetrated into my being and the past me. It says in the The Message version:

             Not for our sake, God, no, not for our sake,
 but for Your name’s sake, show Your glory.

Do it on account of Your merciful love,
    do it on account of Your faithful ways. 

Then I asked myself…evaluate myself. To whom am I depending? To whom, really, am I giving the glory? Whose face is reflected my existence? Where do I find my worth? Where do I look for fulfillment? Then I remembered what Matt Redman says in his book entitled Facedown: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Whoa!  It’s like whoosh of air bumped me. I saw me, outwardly worshiping God but inwardly worshiping myself—receiving the glory that was to be, that must be for God. And He is a just God. Thank Him! He is faithful and gracious too. ALL FOR HIS GLORY!

A glimpse of God and everything will be changed. Just His still small voice in the stillness of my worldly world will be enough. It is. Indeed.

Right at this moment, I pray in my mind that would just help me in this journey of knowing Him more—of having more of Him. Reminded of what Moses has asked, leading the ever-grumbling, discontented Israelites, he didn’t pray that God would punish neither them nor asked God for them to be just obedient. He just prayed for only one thing. And may this be our prayer too.

Then Moses said, “Now, please show me Your glory.

(Exodus 33:18 NCV; emphasis mine)

And may this article bless everyone who patiently read it.
May it add to  God's glory.
Forever Amen. ^_^